Why Was Grandma So Mean, with Jennifer Holik
Have you ever uttered those or similar words? Why was grandma so mean? Why was grandpa so sad or angry? Why did aunt Alice avoid the family when babies or small children were around? These are some of the questions we think in our heads but do not always ask out loud to family members. The time to break the silence is now.
There are always more than two sides to every family story. Do you ever wonder what influenced the behaviors, patterns, and emotions of our ancestors?
In this webinar we will look at our genealogy & military documents to identify events both personal, family, and historical, that may have shaped the behaviors and attitudes of your ancestors. We will also look at the family stories we have heard. Did you ever notice when you sit around a table and discuss the ancestors or major events in your lives or that of the family, that many version of a story emerge?
It is like watching a car accident, everyone has their own perspective about what took place. The same happens with family stories and records. We each have our own blocks, perspectives, unhealed wounds that affect how we receive information, process it and view a family member or ourselves.
Jennifer will share new tools & questions to help you better understand who your ancestors were and what shaped their behaviors. We will also explore how their unhealed trauma, family patterns and behaviors were passed down through the generations. Being aware of how their unhealed past may be affecting how you live your life or show you possibilities for why your family is or was the way they were with beliefs, patterns, behaviors, energies, and emotions.
Register in advance. us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GKrUY_D3SgKTMO-RRLX21A
For details see mngs.org/event-5561656