Finally Get Organized! Conquer the Clutter Using Your Natural Learning Style by Elizabeth Swanay O’Neal
The Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society welcomes Elizabeth Swanay O’Neal with her presentation, “Finally Get Organized! Conquer the Clutter Using Your Natural Learning Style.”
Have you tried organizing your family history documents, photos, and digital files, but you just can’t find a system that you can stick to? Start organizing according to your natural learning style! This talk will help you identify your specific learning style and will share brain- and research-based organizing strategies for each style. Learn how you learn so you can finally get organized with the right system for YOU!
All are welcome at our meetings. Zoom attendees must register in advance at
About the Speaker:
Elizabeth Swanay O’Neal is a professional genealogist, writer, educator, and national genealogical speaker. Her specialties include methodology, technology, and online research resources.
Elizabeth has studied at the National Institute for Genealogical Research (NIGR, now known as GenFed) in Washington, DC; the Forensic Genealogy Institute (FGI) in Dallas, Texas; and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is the Education Director for the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society; President of the Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society; Director of the NGSQ Study Groups program, and a Genealogy Consultant for the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).
As a family history lecturer, Elizabeth has given presentations for Legacy Family Tree Webinars, RootsTech, the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the Utah Genealogical Association, and many others. Her professional memberships include the Association of Professional Genealogists, where she serves as president of the Southern California Chapter, the Genealogical Speakers Guild, and she is an active member of the public speaking club Toastmasters International.
Since 1987, Elizabeth has made it her goal to research, share, and preserve her family stories. She is the author of the family history lifestyle website, Heart of the Family™ where her mission is to help others make the past part of their present.
More about the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society can be found at
For details see!event/2024/1/20/january-general-meeting-featuring-elizabeth-swanay-o-apos-neal