Creating Timelines to Aid Genealogy Research
Creating timelines is beneficial to enhance family history research, fill in an Ancestor’s life story and often help break through a “brick wall”. The speaker will show how to create and use timelines for genealogy research.
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About the presenter: Sandra Williams Bush is a storyteller, genealogist and retired librarian. She is a member of several genealogy and historical societies including her local Buffalo NY groups, the Buffalo Genealogical Society of the African Diaspora (BGSAD) and the Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier. Some of her researched family stories are included in the book Kindred Stories: Genealogy and Family Histories by BGSAD members; she also has an essay in the book Black Homesteaders of the South compiled by Bernice Alexander Bennett. In 2023 Sandra was accepted into the lineage society, Sons and Daughters of the United States Middle Passage. Sandra chronicles her family history research in her blog: Ancestor Callings: Georgia and Mississippi Roots.
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