If you’re familiar with how paying for storage on Permanent works then you’ll know our one-time storage fees are $10 per gigabyte. No subscriptions, no additional payments. You pay once for the space you need, when you need it.
There’s another detail you might not know. When you purchase storage on Permanent you’re actually making a public pledge. That means you’re making a promise to us to pay for your storage but only after we’ve kept our promise to you first by reaching our pledge campaign goals.
Our pledge campaign makes it possible for you to use as much space as you want right now but pay for it later. Let me explain.
Why a pledge?
We know you hear a lot of promises about more control, better security and user-centered mission changes and we want you to know we mean it.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, our mission from the beginning has always been a better, more user-centered platform and that will never change. However, we understand that it may take some time for you to put your trust in another service.
So now you can try out our platform, get to know us, secure your important files and favorite memories without worrying about the financial risk to you.
How does it work?
If you’ve ever backed a project on KickStarter, you’ve made a pledge to support an innovative idea. And you know that you’re only charged once a project has reached the amount its creator has said is needed for it to be successfully executed. If it never gets there, you didn’t lose anything by becoming an early supporter. But if it does, you were a part of the community that made it possible.
Kickstarter describes this as “an opportunity to create the universe and culture you want to see”. By fostering a community that believes in the importance of your goal, you are creating a space where “people work together to make those things a reality”.
This isn’t about what we want, it’s about us as a community creating the digital world we want for ourselves, our children and for the future.
When you pledge to support us, you are only charged if we succeed at reaching our fundraising goals. If we never do, you never get charged for your pledges. So, as we get our footing, there is no risk to you if you choose to support our mission. But when we get there, it means a more ethical and equitable digital world for everyone. And you are a part of the community that made it possible.
We’re over half way to our first goal and we need your help
Together, we can reclaim our digital legacies and establish a better way to preserve, share and connect with the things that matter most. Thanks to the generous pledges of our founding supporters, we’re already more than halfway to our first fundraising milestone.
You can check on the progress of our pledge campaign here at anytime. If you’d like to join the very first round of founding supporters, you can pledge your support here and start preserving your most important digital materials. If we’re all in it together, it becomes permanent.